DCC CV29 Calculator

DCC CV29 Calculator

CV29 gives people a lot of headaches! To help you we've created this handy online calculator.
To use, either select the tick boxes for the options you require and the correct value for CV29 will be shown below.

Or, if you know the value of CV29 and want to find out what options are selected, enter the value for CV29 in the box below and click

Tick to select Description
Reverse Direction On = Reversed direction for motor
Off = Normal direction for motor [DEFAULT]
Set this if you find your loco moves backwards instead of forwards.
28/128 speed steps On = 28/128 Speed steps [DEFAULT]
Off = 14 Speed steps
14 steps is almost obsolete now. All controllers use 28 or 128 speed steps for smoother acceleration.
DC operation On = Allow analogue control [DEFAULT]
Off = Prevent analogue control
This can sometimes cause locos on DCC to jerk forwards when switching the controller off.
Railcom On = Railcom on
Off = Railcom off [DEFAULT]
Lenz, Zimo and some ESU decoders support Railcom. Leave off unless you are using Railcom.
Speed table On = Use CV25 to set a complex speed curve
Off = Use CV2, CV5 and CV6 to set a simple speed curve (if supported) [DEFAULT]
Not many decoders support a complex speed curve. Some don't even support a simple speed curve.
Long Loco Address On = Uses long addresses as set in CV17 and CV18 for loco numbers up to 9999
Off = Uses short addresses as set in CV1 for loco numbers up to 127 [DEFAULT]
Refer to our guide below for calculating the values of CV17 and CV18.
Not currently used Not currently used
Decoder type On = Accessory decoder
Off = Locomotive decoder [DEFAULT]
Accessory decoders are for static items like point motors etc
CV29 =

DCC Long Address Calculator

A long address for a locomotive is any number between 128 and 10239.
However many controllers don't recognise numbers under 1000 or over 9983
so it's best to keep within this range to be sure it will work with your controller.

To use either enter the required long locomotive address and click the
"Calculate CVs from address" button. Or if you know the values of CV17 and CV18
you can enter these and and click the "Calculate address from CVs" button
to give you the locomotive number.

Remember to set bit 5 of CV29 on, as detailed above, so the loco will use this long number!

Long Loco Address